“VENICE” Long Gemstone Rosary Necklace, with Tiger’s Eye & Citrine

That Stone Store
That Stone Store

kr999,00 inclusive moms

This tiger’s eye & citrine long rosary necklace has colors like a classic painting. You can see color contrast, shining elements, various shapes, and all in the frame of an elegant and tasteful.

Imagine all the Renaissance painting colors — black, burgundy, dark blue, golden beige, dark chocolate, steel gray — this necklace matches them well. And there is nothing dramatic or costume-ish. This long gemstone rosary necklace can fit in your modern wardrobe very well.

The necklace is 84cm (33in) long, but can be customized to various lengths, just send a message!

Tiger’s eye (8*10mm nugget bead & 6mm faceted bead), citrine (6mm), copper wire.

16 Folk tittar på den här produkten nu!

This tiger’s eye & citrine long rosary necklace has colors like a classic painting. You can see color contrast, shining elements, various shapes, and all in the frame of an elegant and tasteful.

Imagine all the Renaissance painting colors — black, burgundy, dark blue, golden beige, dark chocolate, steel gray — this necklace matches them well. And there is nothing dramatic or costume-ish. This long gemstone rosary necklace can fit in your modern wardrobe very well.

The necklace is 84cm (33in) long, but can be customized to various lengths, just send a message!

Tiger’s eye (8*10mm nugget bead & 6mm faceted bead), citrine (6mm), copper wire.

[About the Stone]
Tiger’s eye
Tiger’s eye (also called tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock that is a golden to red-brown color, with a silky luster. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger’s eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. (Via Wikipedia & Crystal Meanings)

Citrine is the transparent, pale yellow to brownish orange variety of quartz. Citrine is a birthstone for November. It’s also recognized as the gem that commemorates the thirteenth anniversary. Citrine is well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the “Success Stone.” (Via GIA & Crystal Meanings )


Fraktländer: Sverige

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  • Butikens namn: That Stone Store
  • Säljare: That Stone Store
  • Inga betyg har hittats ännu!
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kr999,00 inclusive moms
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This tiger’s eye & citrine long rosary necklace has colors like a classic painting. You can see color contrast, shining elements, various shapes, and all in the frame of an elegant and tasteful.

Imagine all the Renaissance painting colors — black, burgundy, dark blue, golden beige, dark chocolate, steel gray — this necklace matches them well. And there is nothing dramatic or costume-ish. This long gemstone rosary necklace can fit in your modern wardrobe very well.

The necklace is 84cm (33in) long, but can be customized to various lengths, just send a message!

Tiger’s eye (8*10mm nugget bead & 6mm faceted bead), citrine (6mm), copper wire.

[About the Stone]
Tiger’s eye
Tiger’s eye (also called tiger eye) is a chatoyant gemstone that is usually a metamorphic rock that is a golden to red-brown color, with a silky luster. It is a stone that enhances good luck, and brings prosperity, often in the form of money. Tiger’s eye is also a very protective stone which is especially protective during travel. (Via Wikipedia & Crystal Meanings)

Citrine is the transparent, pale yellow to brownish orange variety of quartz. Citrine is a birthstone for November. It’s also recognized as the gem that commemorates the thirteenth anniversary. Citrine is well known in crystal work as a success and prosperity stone to the point that it is called the “Success Stone.” (Via GIA & Crystal Meanings )